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About us

The spirit of the Lord is upon me;
He has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor;
he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted
and to announce that captives shall be released and the blind shall see that the downtrodden shall be feed from their oppressors,
and that god is read to give blessings to all who come to him.


Luke 4:18-19


In 1992, after many years of financial struggle and declining membership, the individual leaderships from five North St. Louis Parishes came together to lay the plans for a new, merged parish.After extensive discussion, prayer and deliberation, Saint Augustine Parish was formed from the five original parishes of St. Barbara, St. Rose of Lima, St. Edward the King, St. Mark the Evangelist and Notre Dame of Lourdes (Wellston). Thus, a new era in Catholic parish life began on the North Side of St. Louis.  Under the spiritual leadership and administration of its only Pastor, Monsignor Robert J. "Fr. Bob" Gettinger, St. Augustine Parish has continued to serve the spiritual, physical and social needs of the people of its parish and the community. We focus our time, talents and treasures on five ministries, Evangelization, Liturgy, Education, Christian Service and Administration/Finance. Thus, we are ever mindful in all of our celebrations, whether they are joyous, sorrowful or glorious, that God created us in His image and we are good!

Pastoral Team


Father Scott Scheiderer, Parochial Administrator 

Fr. Scheiderer is overseeing the merger of Our Lady of the Holy Cross, St.  Augustine, St. Elizabeth Mother of John the Baptist and St. Matthew the Apostle to establish a new parish.  He is continuing to provide spiritual guidance for the parishioners of the merging parishes.


Deacon Ed Grotpeter

Deacon assists Fr. Scott with providing spiritual guidance for the parishioners of St. Augustine


Michele Brown,  Parish Secretary

Michele assists Monsignor Gettinger with the administrative needs of the parish.  She is available at the rectory on Monday and Friday


Carmen Charleston, Parish Secretary

Carmen provides secretarial support for the parish and Fr. Bob's Outreach. She is available at the rectory on Wednesday and Thursday


Parish Transition Team, Michele Brown, Corliss Cox, Simeon Layne, Jr.

dThis team is working closely with Fr. Scheiderer and the transition team members from the other merging parishes to create a unified, spiritual parish, ready to carry the Word to North St. Louis.


Finance Committee

Stacy Johnson is the acting Chairman of the Finance Committee


Women of Faith

Katherine Beasley is the Chairman of the Women of Faith


Men of Faith

Joel Jones is the Chairman of the Men of Faith






© 2013 by St. Augustine Catholic Church  1371 Hamilton Ave. St. Louis. MO. 63112  all rights reserved.

Last update August 12


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